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주제어: 노사관계 선진화안, 노동기본권, 단결권, 단체교섭, 단체행동, 노동조합및노동관계조정법

Roadmap for Industrial Relations Laws and Institutions and Labor fundamental Rights

Kim, Gi-deog

 Attorney at law(Korea Metal Worker's Federation)

The 「Research Committee on lndustrial Relations System Development」(RCID) in the Report of RCID(Roadmap for Industrial Relations Laws and Institutions) held fast to stance of Korea's current labor relations laws. Under the current labor law(Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act), Korea's labors are thoroughly restricted in the use of their Labor fundamental Rights that the Constitution of the Republic of Korea guarantees. The Use of Labor fundamental Rights were secured exceptionally. The Committee had proposed the advanced industrial relations laws and systems in Korea. But the Report is a lot ‘retrogressive’ than ‘advanced’.

Key words: Roadmap for Industrial Relations, Labor fundamental Rights, the worker's Right of association, collective bargaining, collective action, Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act

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