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도급인의 수급인 근로자에 대한 지휘ㆍ명령권 행사와 당해 도급계약 등의 도급계약으로서의 유형적 특성 결여라는 주요기준을 충족하면 당해 도급계약 등에 의한 법률관계는 위장도급으로 볼 수 있다. 도급인의 수급인의 근로자에 대한 지휘ㆍ명령권 행사라는 주요기준은 도급인이 수급인의 근로자에 대하여 직접적이고 구체적인 지휘ㆍ명령권을 행사하는 경우와, 수급인의 근로자가 도급인의 경영조직 또는 사업조직에 편입되어 도급인이 수급인의 근로자에 대하여 포괄적이고 간접적인 지휘ㆍ명령권을 행사하는 경우로 나누고, 편입의 내용을 다시 업무수행에 있어서의 편입, 인사조직권에 있어서의 편입, 임금 등 경제영역에서의 편입으로 세분화할 수 있다. 한편, 위장도급은 수급인의 실체 존부에 따라 다시 구분되는데, 수급인으로서 독자적, 독립적인 실체가 존재하는 경우에는 삼면적 근로관계로 평가되는 위장도급으로, 그렇지 않은 경우에는 이면적 근로관계로 평가되는 위장도급으로 각 구분되고, 전자는 다시 수급인과 그 근로자 사이에 고용계약의 존재 여부에 따라 고용계약이 존재하는 경우에는 근로자파견으로 평가되는 위장도급으로, 그렇지 않은 경우에는 근로자공급으로 평가되는 위장도급으로 각 분류된다.


주제어: 위장도급, 준별기준, 지휘ㆍ명령권, 편입




A Strict Distinction of Nominal Contracts for Work and Its Legal Effect


Oh Yun Shik

Attorney at law


Primarily, any legal relations under a contract for work shall be considered as nominal if it meets the following two conditions:

A. a person who ordered the work exercises the authority to order/command employees of independent contractor under such a contract; and

B. that contract lacks distinctive characteristics as an authentic contract for work.

Criterion A is divided into two cases as follows: i) a person who ordered the work exercises the direct and specific authority to order/command independent contractor’s employees, and ii) he/she exercises the indirect and comprehensive authority to order/command independent contractor’s employees when incorporating them into his or her own management organization or business organization. Moreover, the types of the incorporation may also be divided into two subcategories: one regarding performance of works; another regarding the authority of personnel & organization management; a third regarding economic spheres such as wages and allowances.

Meanwhile, a nominal contract for work may be classified in accordance with whether the substantiality of an independent contractor exists or not. In the case that there exists unique and independent substantiality of an independent contractor, the contract will be classified as a nominal contract for work with trilateral employment relations, whereas the contract will be classified as a nominal contract for work with bilateral employment relations if there is no such substantiality under the contract.

Especially, in the case of a nominal contract for work with trilateral employment relations, the contract can be subdivided into two cases, according to whether there exists an employment contract or relations between an independent contractor and his or her employees or not: i) a nominal contract for work deemed as dispatch of workers in case of the existence of an employment contract; and ii) a nominal contract for work considered as supply of workers in case of the absence of an employment contract.


Key Words: nominal contract for work, criteria for a strict distinction, the authority to order/command, incorporation


List of Articles
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