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조회 수 : 7859
2003.03.18 (18:03:12)

이라크 공격을 위한 부시의 최후통첩 연설문입니다.

한 번 감상해 보시지요. 뉴욕 타임즈에서 퍼왔습니다.

March 17, 2003
President Bush's Speech on Iraq

ollowing is a transcript of President Bush's speech last night on Iraq, as recorded by The

New York Times.

My fellow citizens, events in Iraq have now reached the final days of decision.

For more than a decade, the United States and other nations have pursued patient and

honorable efforts to disarm the Iraqi regime without war. That regime pledged to reveal and

destroy all of its weapons of mass destruction as a condition for ending the Persian Gulf

War in 1991.

Since then, the world has engaged in 12 years of diplomacy. We have passed more than a dozen

resolutions in the United Nations Security Council. We have sent hundreds of weapons

inspectors to oversee the disarmament of Iraq.

Our good faith has not been returned. The Iraqi regime has used diplomacy as a ploy to gain

time and advantage.

It has uniformly defied Security Council resolutions demanding full disarmament.

Over the years, U.N. weapons inspectors have been threatened by Iraqi officials,

electronically bugged and systematically deceived. Peaceful efforts to disarm the Iraq

regime have failed again and again because we are not dealing with peaceful men.

Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime

continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised. This regime

has already used weapons of mass destruction against Iraq's neighbors and against Iraq's


The regime has a history of reckless aggression in the Middle East. It has a deep hatred of

America and our friends and it has aided, trained and harbored terrorists, including

operatives of Al Qaeda.

The danger is clear: Using chemical, biological or, one day, nuclear weapons obtained with

the help of Iraq, the terrorists could fulfill their stated ambitions and kill thousands or

hundreds of thousands of innocent people in our country or any other.

The United States and other nations did nothing to deserve or invite this threat, but we

will do everything to defeat it. Instead of drifting along toward tragedy, we will set a

course toward safety.

Before the day of horror can come, before it is too late to act, this danger will be


The United States of America has the sovereign authority to use force in assuring its own

national security. That duty falls to me as commander of chief by the oath I have sworn, by

the oath I will keep. Recognizing the threat to our country, the United States Congress

voted overwhelmingly last year to support the use of force against Iraq.

America tried to work with the United Nations to address this threat because we wanted to

resolve the issue peacefully. We believe in the mission of the United Nations.

One reason the U.N. was founded after the Second World War was to confront aggressive

dictators actively and early, before they can attack the innocent and destroy the peace.

In the case of Iraq, the Security Council did act in the early 1990s. Under Resolutions 678

and 687, both still in effect, the United States and our allies are authorized to use force

in ridding Iraq of weapons of mass destruction.

: This is not a question of authority, it is a question of will.

Last September, I went to the U.N. General Assembly and urged the nations of the world to

unite and bring an end to this danger. On November 8th, the Security Council unanimously

passed Resolution 1441, finding Iraq in material breach of its obligations and vowing

serious consequences if Iraq did not fully and immediately disarm.

Today, no nation can possibly claim that Iraq has disarmed. And it will not disarm so long

as Saddam Hussein holds power.

For the last four and a half months, the United States and our allies have worked within the

Security Council to enforce that council's longstanding demands. Yet some permanent members

of the Security Council have publicly announced that they will veto any resolution that

compels the disarmament of Iraq. These governments share our assessment of the danger, but

not our resolve to meet it.

Many nations, however, do have the resolve and fortitude to act against this threat to

peace, and a broad coalition is now gathering to enforce the just demands of the world.

The United Nations Security Council has not lived up to its responsibilities, so we will

rise to ours. In recent days, some governments in the Middle East have been doing their

part. They have delivered public and private messages urging the dictator to leave Iraq so

that disarmament can proceed peacefully.

He has thus far refused.

All the decades of deceit and cruelty have now reached an end. Saddam Hussein and his sons

must leave Iraq within 48 hours. Their refusal to do so will result in military conflict

commenced at a time of our choosing.

For their own safety, all foreign nationals, including journalists and inspectors, should

leave Iraq immediately.

Many Iraqis can hear me tonight in a translated radio broadcast, and I have a message for

them: If we must begin a military campaign, it will be directed against the lawless men who

rule your country and not against you.

As our coalition takes away their power, we will deliver the food and medicine you need. We

will tear down the apparatus of terror and we will help you to build a new Iraq that is

prosperous and free.

In free Iraq there will be no more wars of aggression against your neighbors, no more poison

factories, no more executions of dissidents, no more torture chambers and rape rooms.

The tyrant will soon be gone. The day of your liberation is near.

It is too late for Saddam Hussein to remain in power. It is not too late for the Iraq

military to act with honor and protect your country, by permitting the peaceful entry of

coalition forces to eliminate weapons of mass destruction. Our forces will give Iraqi

military units clear instructions on actions they can take to avoid being attack and


I urge every member of the Iraqi military and intelligence services: If war comes, do not

fight for a dying regime that is not worth your own life.

And all Iraqi military and civilian personnel should listen carefully to this warning: In

any conflict, your fate will depend on your actions. Do not destroy oil wells, a source of

wealth that belongs to the Iraqi people. Do not obey any command to use weapons of mass

destruction against anyone, including the Iraqi people. War crimes will be prosecuted, war

criminals will be punished and it will be no defense to say, "I was just following orders."

Should Saddam Hussein choose confrontation, the American people can know that every measure

has been taken to avoid war and every measure will be taken to win it.

Americans understand the costs of conflict because we have paid them in the past. War has no

certainty except the certainty of sacrifice.

Yet the only way to reduce the harm and duration of war is to apply the full force and might

of our military, and we are prepared to do so.

If Saddam Hussein attempts to cling to power, he will remain a deadly foe until the end.

In desperation, he and terrorist groups might try to conduct terrorist operations against

the American people and our friends. These attacks are not inevitable. They are, however,


And this very fact underscores the reason we cannot live under the threat of blackmail. The

terrorist threat to America and the world will be diminished the moment that Saddam Hussein

is disarmed.

Our government is on heightened watch against these dangers. Just as we are preparing to

ensure victory in Iraq, we are taking further actions to protect our homeland.

In recent days, American authorities have expelled from the country certain individuals with

ties to Iraqi intelligence services.

Among other measures, I have directed additional security at our airports and increased

Coast Guard patrols of major seaports. The Department of Homeland Security is working

closely with the nation's governors to increase armed security at critical facilities across


Should enemies strike our country, they would be attempting to shift our attention with

panic and weaken our morale with fear. In this, they would fail.

No act of theirs can alter the course or shake the resolve of this country. We are a

peaceful people, yet we are not a fragile people. And we will not be intimidated by thugs

and killers.

If our enemies dare to strike us, they and all who have aided them will face fearful


We are now acting because the risks of inaction would be far greater. In one year, or five

years, the power of Iraq to inflict harm on all free nations would be multiplied many times


With these capabilities, Saddam Hussein and his terrorist allies could choose the moment of

deadly conflict when they are strongest. We choose to meet that threat now where it arises,

before it can appear suddenly in our skies and cities.

The cause of peace requires all free nations to recognize new and undeniable realities. In

the 20th century, some chose to appease murderous dictators whose threats were allowed to

grow into genocide and global war.

In this century, when evil men plot chemical, biological and nuclear terror, a policy of

appeasement could bring destruction of a kind never before seen on this earth. Terrorists

and terrorist states do not reveal these threats with fair notice in formal declarations.

And responding to such enemies only after they have struck first is not self defense. It is

suicide. The security of the world requires disarming Saddam Hussein now.

As we enforce the just demands of the world, we will also honor the deepest commitments of

our country.

Unlike Saddam Hussein, we believe the Iraqi people are deserving and capable of human

liberty, and when the dictator has departed, they can set an example to all the Middle East

of a vital and peaceful and self-governing nation.

The United States with other countries will work to advance liberty and peace in that

region. Our goal will not be achieved overnight, but it can come over time. The power and

appeal of human liberty is felt in every life and every land, and the greatest power of

freedom is to overcome hatred and violence, and turn the creative gifts of men and women to

the pursuits of peace. That is the future we choose.

Free nations have a duty to defend our people by uniting against the violent, and tonight,

as we have done before, America and our allies accept that responsibility.

Good night, and may God continue to bless America.

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