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33호 (특집) 국가인권위원회 5년, 전망과 과제 / 이창수 (PDF)

오길영 2007.03.24 00:18 조회 수 : 21161 추천:527

국가인권위원회 5년, 전망과 과제 / 이창수

원문 내용 공개(PDF 파일 등)는 민주법학 통권 제34호 발간 후에 이루어집니다.
민주법학 통권 제33호는 온라인서점 등에서 구입하실 수 있습니다.
민주법학 통권 제32호까지의 원문 내용은 본 자료실에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.


인권, 국가인권기구, 인권행정, 인권정책, 감시, 민주주의, 인민통제, 인권적극주의, 동아시아


Five-year NHRCK’s Tasks and Perspectives

― People’s participation and control in the process of human rights administration ―


Lee, Changsoo

Chairperson, Human Rights Solidarity for New Society


The National Human Rights Commission of Korea(NHRCK) is an achievement in Korean civil society through fighting for democracy and against the past human rights violation systems. That means not merely the introduction of a system dealing with human rights affairs but the concrete implementation of human rights policies as a core value of democracy under official decision-making process. However, the NHRCK has failed to choose its works in the context of the macro-strategic perspectives for the past 5 years. That, also, means that the NHRCK has failed to have public supports from Korean people, especially victims of human rights violations.

Today, there are various views concerning the future of the NHRCK, from the arguments of the ultra conservative forces to dissolve the NHRCK to those to strengthen it. Some experts feel that the identification of the NHRCK has been placed in a dangerous situation. Others stress that there should be a change in the human rights entitlement system in South Korea. I think that the NHRCK has taken a low attitude toward the power of the conservative law-makers, and failed to serve the hopes of the Korean people. So some ultra conservative demagogic politicians have dared to urge the dismantlement of the NHRCK.

Some specialists have been selected while there was no mechanism for people's partcipation in and control over the process of operation and constitution of the NHRCK. In the result, chains of bureaucratic tendency reveal that the operation of the NHRCK has strengthened the nature of the state at the cost of weakening the substance of human rights.

The NHRCK has faced various challenges in the dimensions of locally social strategy, functional regionalism and retroactive trends as well as social variousness in human rights community. In other words, the NHRCK faces the tasks and missions to make concrete, democratic policies, to develop human rights in East Asia, to substantially protect human rights and to struggle against all retroactive trends. The first task - an immediate and needful task - is fighting against the present system of the national security law; the second task - a demanded and desired task - is drawing and showing concrete human rights policies. Both tasks may be performed simultaneously in two-layer tactics phase. In this context, the NHRCK should show strategy for development of human rights and a human rights belt for/by the people in the process of decision-making and evaluation. I also urge that the NHRCK should ensure self-identification in human rights issues and human rights violations, for the victims whose pains can not be removed in the present systems and laws.


[Key Words]

human rights, national human rights institute, human rights administration, human rights policy, monitoring, democracy, people’s control, strategy, human rights activism, East Asia

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