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피해 증언의 생산과 ‘과거 청산’: ‘수지 김’ 유족 증언을 중심으로 / 양현아

원문 내용 공개(PDF 파일 등)는 민주법학 통권 제34호 발간 후에 이루어집니다.
민주법학 통권 제33호는 온라인서점 등에서 구입하실 수 있습니다.
민주법학 통권 제32호까지의 원문 내용은 본 자료실에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.


‘수지 김’ 사건, 과거 청산, 피해자, 증언


Producing Testimony and ‘Coming to Terms with Past’: Based upon the Testimony of ‘Susie Kim’ Family


Hyunah Yang

Assistant Professor, Seoul National University


This is an essay regarding a testimony study in the effort of finding various damage inflicted on the remaining family of ‘Susie Kim’ who was murdered in 1987. During the period of July to September 2003, thetestimonial study was pursued for the five plaintiffs among ten who filed the lawsuit to demand reparation of the damage caused by Republic of Korea that manipulated, concealed and re-concealed the truth of the homicide. In this article, ‘coming to terms with past (kwako ch’ongsan)’ is understood as political as well as discursive struggle, and locates and discusses the significance of testimony in the context of ‘kwako ch’ongsan’. Testimonial work is for the purpose of new knowledge production in order to disclose the past and thus open the future, which is much beyond of collecting the ‘vivid words of pain.’

In the main text, the damages are represented through the classification of perpetrators such as Korean agency for National Security Planning(Kukka anjon kihoekpu), neighborhood, mass media, family members, and children’s succession of the damage. The families were suffered not only from the manipulated fact that Susie Kim as the North Korean agent, but, equally seriously from the fact that she once was a hostess of wine bar that has strong social connotations about sexual service. Based upon the testimony, the study firstly suggests that the consequences of the state’s atrocities need to be fully disclosed, and acknowledged by the responsible individuals. Secondly, it pays attention to the social dimension of the causes of pain. The inhumane acts of family, company, neighbors, and media can be seen as the ‘second damage’of the original one by the state. In this regard, genuine regret and apologies were given not only from the state but from the neighbor, families, and civil society. At this level of action and ethics, the reparative justice for the victim-survivors whose dignity has long been neglected would begin to recuperate.

In this way, this study reads that testimony of the ‘Susie Kim’ family from the angle of philosophy of ‘kwako ch’ongsan’ as political and discursive struggle, a way of reparation, and healing the pain. Still, methodology of testimony research for the purpose of legal court is not very sophisticated in this study. In the legal education in the near future must integrate the ethics and methodology how to listen to otherwise inaudible voices with its regular curriculum.


[Key Words]

‘Susie Kim,’ coming to terms with past (kwako ch’ongsan), victim, testimony



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